Monday, July 27, 2020


Corona Woes

As if life was not hard, there are new woes due to the Corona:

  1. I miss driving in maddening Bangalore traffic as I am desk bound at home. Now I need to revise my swear words again.
  2. There are no co passengers to chat with. Missing the friends in Quick ride. Try chatting up with Wife and you get into arguments. Gawd!
  3. No eyeing the PYTs in the office. The PYT next door is also inside the home working 
  4. No chaat to eat now. Unless you prepare it yourself. 
  5. Life is all about guessing which team member really has a powercut while he / she thinks of a new way to skip work
  6. Work from home is also Work for home. Woe betide the people who thought IT guys do not do work hard like the folks in a brick and mortar company. The moment I step out to buy stuff is where my Manager misses me dearly in the company messenger
  7. Tea time / water cooler grapevine talks are sorely missed. Now it is only gripe talks around the house
  8. Power cuts mean forever you are asking "Am I audible"? I am not sure if the microphone in my laptop is playing up or team mates exacting revenge
  9. Extra eating to control anxiety means new wardrobe soon. More trouble trying to shed the extra weight around tummy
  10. Above all the zillions in India who don't understand Social distancing. Gawd! when are you going to distance this virus from all around me?

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